Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What do you do about being jealous?

Jealousy comes from anger, and anger from fear. Fear of this kind comes from the earliest period of our lives (my theory here guys... it has worked for me) when our Universe was two People or One. Mom and Dad. Fear of loss, abandonment, and not being loved are all serious for the infant. But when we become adults, whether that is at 8 years, 13 years or 18 years (generally 13 is about that period world wide before now) we have to learn that those fears are no longer valid. As an adult, you can handle being left, being lost or losing what you like or love. You can handle many terrible events and have to in order to survive.
However it is seldom discussed or taught except by Grandparents or Uncles... someone like your God Parents who have been through their young lives and can both relate to it and have learned to get around it.

No one taught me. Possessiveness, rage, and jealousy were part of life. But they don't have to be. As animals, such fear induced emotions maybe necessary to survive but humans, especially humans, need their reason and rationality, calmness and perspective to survive.

Drop the fear. Recognize it for what it is and realize you are not going to die if someone you love sleeps with someone else. Or leaves you even to the point of calling to taunt you from their new lover's bed. You can do it if you put it into perspective. For me, it was simply a Boolean. A or B, alpha or omega.

Will this kill me?

If answer = no, then shrug it off, cry and get on with life else fight and fight hard.

Obviously very few seemingly horrible things in life will actually kill you. So what then?
Well you can cry and be miserable, do what many do and suffer. Because do not doubt it, you are the one suffering, no one else really.

Or you can determine not to be miserable, pull yourself up after a reasonable period of unhappiness (we are allowed this and should not avoid facing the emotions or fear), smile and consider done. Finis.

Is it hard to do? Yes. Most things that are seriously worth doing require a lot of effort, determination and courage. So yes... it is hard. It will hurt but it is not insurmountable.
You are an adult, shrug it off and look to those things that give you pleasure, and follow them. Most good psychologists (I would refute this but it is none the less true) will tell you that no person, no matter how wonderful or beloved can 'make' you happy. They cannot make you secure or relaxed... only you can. Only you control your life, your destiny and your state of mind.
Sometimes we have problems beyond our control, and there are ways of getting help.
But in this question you are in control. You know how, it is inside you as it is in all of us, and all you have to do is reach down and slap the crap out of that inner brat. Stop letting your out moded emotions yank you this way and that, and accept you are just as good and viable in anything you wish to do as anyone else.
Obviously, there are those who will be better at what it is you like to do, and those who are less able. Who cares? You do it because you want to. Write, draw, drive a taxi, run for political office because you want to. Do it essentially for yourself and you will find a peace inside that then allows you to care for others and love unconditionally when you never thought you could before.

You learn to rely on yourself, not someone or some external agency, and very quickly you realize all those nagging doubts and fears are pointless and simply dwindle. Do they go completely? No. Again it takes effort and the will to make it right. Don't believe in this, know it. It works.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

While arguing Same Sex Marriage, think about this...

and I feel it has no argument, no return with 'and', 'if, or 'buts'.

And it is this :

There is within the Constitution framed by the founders of the Colonies and these United States a law, that all citizens are to be treat equally under the law. If a State has a law covering couples married to provide treatment for both to share their wealth, property and substantial or primary rights to be first in line to be the others heir and legal voice, then all couples have the right to this coverage and designation.

NO ONE has the right to disregard or treat a citizen of this country unequally. PERIOD.

Religion be damned! If the LAW defines MARRIAGE as a union of Man and Woman alone, then it is Unconstitutional, and illegal. PERIOD.

That is why we have a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and Laws to protect citizens from the unscrupulous, whether or not they follow the will of a 'god' or messiah, political leader, or well intentioned citizen.

I recognise that the country was founded on strict Protestant ideals, Pilgrims who escaped Europe to get away from oppression and death because of their faith. Here they founded colonies that were open to practice their faith freely (not any others and then when forced, not any that were not Christian obviously).
However, our founders, agreed to the principle, that our government must be free of undue influence from Religion as they had a history in the European lands of internecine conflict between the established Church, and the Governments. They realised such an intertwining of the two opened the door to terrible violence and death to the citizens. So the believed the government of the US must be secular and the people should have freedom to practice religion (again assumed to be Christianity) for the moral well being of the country.

A secular state founded on Laws not the Bible or Koran or any other voice or law of religion, or philosophy.

That is it. We use the Rule of Law to support everything from dealing with social problems and in war (not always to the good but there it is). Therefore the argument that God's word and Law trumps Secular Law is a specious argument because Secular Law is based on the promise and ideals of Deism. And it is the final word in any argument that ends with the unequal treatment of citizens in this country. Either the Constitution stands inviolate or it does not.

So while the union of two people may be called marriage, the word itself is not an excuse or precident to keep other citizens, regardless of race, creed, gender or status to the same rights of other citizens.

I fail to understand why this is not the answer and argument for Same Sex Marriage. It makes no sense for politicians, officers of the court or anyone in government to ignore it. That is clearly illegal.