Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What do you do about being jealous?

Jealousy comes from anger, and anger from fear. Fear of this kind comes from the earliest period of our lives (my theory here guys... it has worked for me) when our Universe was two People or One. Mom and Dad. Fear of loss, abandonment, and not being loved are all serious for the infant. But when we become adults, whether that is at 8 years, 13 years or 18 years (generally 13 is about that period world wide before now) we have to learn that those fears are no longer valid. As an adult, you can handle being left, being lost or losing what you like or love. You can handle many terrible events and have to in order to survive.
However it is seldom discussed or taught except by Grandparents or Uncles... someone like your God Parents who have been through their young lives and can both relate to it and have learned to get around it.

No one taught me. Possessiveness, rage, and jealousy were part of life. But they don't have to be. As animals, such fear induced emotions maybe necessary to survive but humans, especially humans, need their reason and rationality, calmness and perspective to survive.

Drop the fear. Recognize it for what it is and realize you are not going to die if someone you love sleeps with someone else. Or leaves you even to the point of calling to taunt you from their new lover's bed. You can do it if you put it into perspective. For me, it was simply a Boolean. A or B, alpha or omega.

Will this kill me?

If answer = no, then shrug it off, cry and get on with life else fight and fight hard.

Obviously very few seemingly horrible things in life will actually kill you. So what then?
Well you can cry and be miserable, do what many do and suffer. Because do not doubt it, you are the one suffering, no one else really.

Or you can determine not to be miserable, pull yourself up after a reasonable period of unhappiness (we are allowed this and should not avoid facing the emotions or fear), smile and consider done. Finis.

Is it hard to do? Yes. Most things that are seriously worth doing require a lot of effort, determination and courage. So yes... it is hard. It will hurt but it is not insurmountable.
You are an adult, shrug it off and look to those things that give you pleasure, and follow them. Most good psychologists (I would refute this but it is none the less true) will tell you that no person, no matter how wonderful or beloved can 'make' you happy. They cannot make you secure or relaxed... only you can. Only you control your life, your destiny and your state of mind.
Sometimes we have problems beyond our control, and there are ways of getting help.
But in this question you are in control. You know how, it is inside you as it is in all of us, and all you have to do is reach down and slap the crap out of that inner brat. Stop letting your out moded emotions yank you this way and that, and accept you are just as good and viable in anything you wish to do as anyone else.
Obviously, there are those who will be better at what it is you like to do, and those who are less able. Who cares? You do it because you want to. Write, draw, drive a taxi, run for political office because you want to. Do it essentially for yourself and you will find a peace inside that then allows you to care for others and love unconditionally when you never thought you could before.

You learn to rely on yourself, not someone or some external agency, and very quickly you realize all those nagging doubts and fears are pointless and simply dwindle. Do they go completely? No. Again it takes effort and the will to make it right. Don't believe in this, know it. It works.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

While arguing Same Sex Marriage, think about this...

and I feel it has no argument, no return with 'and', 'if, or 'buts'.

And it is this :

There is within the Constitution framed by the founders of the Colonies and these United States a law, that all citizens are to be treat equally under the law. If a State has a law covering couples married to provide treatment for both to share their wealth, property and substantial or primary rights to be first in line to be the others heir and legal voice, then all couples have the right to this coverage and designation.

NO ONE has the right to disregard or treat a citizen of this country unequally. PERIOD.

Religion be damned! If the LAW defines MARRIAGE as a union of Man and Woman alone, then it is Unconstitutional, and illegal. PERIOD.

That is why we have a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and Laws to protect citizens from the unscrupulous, whether or not they follow the will of a 'god' or messiah, political leader, or well intentioned citizen.

I recognise that the country was founded on strict Protestant ideals, Pilgrims who escaped Europe to get away from oppression and death because of their faith. Here they founded colonies that were open to practice their faith freely (not any others and then when forced, not any that were not Christian obviously).
However, our founders, agreed to the principle, that our government must be free of undue influence from Religion as they had a history in the European lands of internecine conflict between the established Church, and the Governments. They realised such an intertwining of the two opened the door to terrible violence and death to the citizens. So the believed the government of the US must be secular and the people should have freedom to practice religion (again assumed to be Christianity) for the moral well being of the country.

A secular state founded on Laws not the Bible or Koran or any other voice or law of religion, or philosophy.

That is it. We use the Rule of Law to support everything from dealing with social problems and in war (not always to the good but there it is). Therefore the argument that God's word and Law trumps Secular Law is a specious argument because Secular Law is based on the promise and ideals of Deism. And it is the final word in any argument that ends with the unequal treatment of citizens in this country. Either the Constitution stands inviolate or it does not.

So while the union of two people may be called marriage, the word itself is not an excuse or precident to keep other citizens, regardless of race, creed, gender or status to the same rights of other citizens.

I fail to understand why this is not the answer and argument for Same Sex Marriage. It makes no sense for politicians, officers of the court or anyone in government to ignore it. That is clearly illegal.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How did we get in this mess?? O_O?

How have we gotten to the point where sex has been successfully legislated with draconian sentences, and our rights of Free Speech and Privacy, Due Process and Assumption of Innocence effectively negated? What happened? What did I miss?

The truth is, if you keep the people happy, generally, you can do as you please in government. Good times lead to complacency. If the economy and basic services die, and people suffer ... and here is the sad point ... in the upper middle class and wealthy, then everything starts to go bad. The government loses control and we fall into turmoil and violence.

Man and his societies have been around for approximately 10,000 years (I mean basic urban societies) and this is the pattern. We give up complete freedom to live and survive as best we can, to get a relatively secure environment with security, basic necessities of life and the ability to utilize any free time as we choose. People forget that there is no real bond beyond that. Religion is part of this social control mechanism, and now particularly materialism. People cannot imagine life without society. "How would we live? It is impossible!" Nonsense. This is part and parcel of the indoctrination society uses to maintain the basic foundation. So it is not surprising that the current trend over the last 500 years to move towards an increasingly secular society that governments are looking to issues that resonate with people generally to increase the strength of their control over the population.
People are blind when it comes to children. One only has to look at the child abuse cases from the 1970s when innocent people were accused and charged in wild claims by children and their parents were demonized. After long investigations on all of these cases found that the children basically lied due to the psychologists involved leading them on. I doubt all of these professionals were trying to build these cases for their own profiles. But it showed that children are incapable of distinguishing truth from fantasy. And adults are perfectly willing to use this to push agendas that otherwise would not be acceptable by the majority.

This is true of most high profile issues like the 'war on drugs'. When the government and private parties, like the American Ultra-conservative Evangelical groups, cannot push agendas like removing all sexual images or violating citizens' rights to privacy, free speech or a fair trial, they find an issue that cannot be denied. Terrorism is one. Child abuse and porn is another. Both have successfully removed or damaged American civil rights which in turn effects everyone. This hits to the center of the populations fears : security to live as we have come to expect, and protection of our offspring which is a primal fear.

Porn is seen as the cause of pedophilia, whether or not it is true... and it is not.
Professionals have engineered studies based on their biases to support these claims even though the data has long been recorded that porn is not responsible for people doing something against women or children. But it is something these groups can point to that scares people. So the knee jerk reaction especially in the US, is to ban it, legislate against it, and create laws to punish the people who produce, and enjoy it as an outlet. Same is true with drugs. And the main thrust of our laws is to attack the user to punish the pushers. Terrorism has provided them with the means to monitor American's private calls, email, mail and to invade our homes without oversight because of the threat. In any other case, the population would scream bloody murder, but in the case of terrorism, because it is so generic, they accept this violation of our basic rights. Same is true with the so called 'Sex Crime' legislation in the US. It is a broad general law unprecedented outside of Prohibition to punish any crime involving nudity, sex or images of such in the same manner as those crimes of kidnapping, rape and murder. In fact, the punishments are so severe as to be clearly unconstitutional but allowed because the people have accepted the idea that this 'threat' effects all Americans and therefore is the one case that overwhelms our individual rights. So now, if you own or produce anything that can be considered child porn, your punishment on the whole is the same as someone who rapes a child. The sentence may be put off due to a first time offense, but under the fear of recidivism (which is in the 95 percentile on violent crime or anything involving sex) that person is required by law to sign in with the local police, government and schools for public disclosure of their crime, where they live and what they do so the population can determine if they want them in their midst. The perpetrator cannot live in a certain distance from schools or anywhere children congregate. Not to mention most businesses will not hire someone accused of a sex crime for obvious reasons. This basically negates their civil rights. So they are lumped in the same boat with murderers, kidnappers and the small percentage of those monsters who are predators and are dangerous to our kids.

This is a trend that is successfully overturning the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights in favour of the authorities control of our lives. Most Americans understand this and see it as a basic evil that is the only answer to problems that terrorize them. The answer to these problems is education, calm analysis and open mindedness none of which is big on the agenda in America. While Americans believe in education, it is primarily to make us more economically viable in the world and to support the more conservative trends in society.

This trend has come up before, once a century generally, but each time it is different due to availability of information. Today it is instantaneous so there is no time to respond to an issue, just react after the fact. That heightens the fear and therefore reduces the ability of most to analyze coolly what is going on.

Basically society is set for another massive change like that following the turn of the last millinium. Feudalism changes to Urbanism and Merchantilism; education gradually opens to the masses and individualism rises through the processes of Protestantism. But now, we are swinging into Authoritarianism. The All over the One and more control on thought because as we go global, the institutions that control feel they have to do so strongly, much as Machiavelli described in maintaining control of the City State in 15th Century Italy. Change threatens the status quo and that results on a tightening down of the government on control. Our current change is so big, the population in the billions world wide, that the authorities world wide are turning to Draconian methods to quell fear they engineer in the People, and therefore control them.

Nothing in the laws against drugs or sexual based crimes has ever been proven to work. They do not. Just as the Death Penalty does nothing more than give the victims a sense of peace and justification for their own anger and righteousness.

Basically I feel that we, as artists, as those who cross the line willingly as the clowns in indigenous societies like the Puebloans, (to purposely balance the societal controls with our real nature in the world) are going to bear the brunt of this. Homosexuals primarily are seen as a threat by conservative Americans in spite of the reality of it. Anyone who enjoys Yaoi or Shounen-Ai, Furries and Yiffy, are seen generally as deviant, and therefore dangerous. The occasional violation of an artist's rights is becoming the standard quietly, if you can believe it, because no one is willing to stand against this trend and call it what it is.... prejudice, hatred, religiously motivated discrimination. Basically we are in for what the neo-pagan and Wiccan community has warned was coming since the early 1990s as the Burning Times. Witch Hunts as seen in the 17th century in America and the Inquisition in Europe from the 14th century to the present (the current Pope is/was the official Grand Inquisitor of the Catholic See).

The future is not one of advancement of Humanity and Humanism, but of Authoritarianism. It is not inevitable. It is a choice, and We, the People, have made it.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Greetings, my friends.

This is my first blog and I would like for you all to get to know me. I hope you will pass along my blog and get more and more people together to get to know me, the work I do and what is coming!

My name is Randall A. McGrew, and my professional Nome de plume is Tsutsumi. I am an artist and writer of Japanese Shounen-Ai stories. Those are homosexual romance stories but the focus is not on that, but on the story! I publish three online comics. 'The Medium Men" written by Hushicho, "Wildly Feral" written by David Bupp conceived by yours truly, and "Praying for Obsolescence" a science fiction/shounen-ai story I conceived and am writing about a Fox-Human (kemonomimi) hybrid, and an android from an ancient civilization created as an escort/companion/lover for the wealthy and blue bloods. It has become quite a complex story too. I decided to write a foundation novel on the characters as well, due out this summer
I am creating new scripts and short stories as well, concepts for possible comics and novels for the future. And I write poetry, have one book published, another being pulled together and an epic story in poem form being finished. So much to do, and so little time.

I have very strong opinions... learned opinions base on years of personal study and education. I say that to distinguish them from just an opinion held at random or held due to something heard, taught or believed without strong and measured consideration.
Many have an opinion on Free Speech, but do they understand the historic context of the Constitution, the authors and the influences on their thoughts and beliefs? It makes a huge difference. I do not expect, nor should you, much in the way of foot notes or 'proof', although at times I will include something.

This Blog will be a meandering journey through thought on a variety of subjects. I typically discuss such subjects as Rights, the state of our Legislation, especially on Behaviour; art is covered in my art blog; comments on comics, spirituality and such are typical.

Just to understand where I am coming from, I was born into an academic household. My parents are educated and liberal in many ways however traditional in others. I have a degree in Anthropology and History (double major) and a minor in Philosophy. My interests range from the above to Physics, Astronomy and Palaeontology; religion, such as it is, social history and the development of Man; music and popular culture. My beliefs and faith are personal, but I will tell you when they come into play. I tend to be non-materialist, and libertarian (not the political group) with the concept of freedom being paramount. I believe strongly in human rights, our duty to be self-reliant and responsible, and a limit to all laws. We should never legislate behaviour, rather have minimal laws that cover the worst offenses. I think as a people we have come far enough to all reason and rationality guide our public and political life. Our spiritual and faith based life should be positive to our social being and how we act in public, but not the mass determinist in how we are. Nor do I tolerate being told how to live, think or be. I respect all forms of belief and faiths as a personal path. The idea that one faith or belief should be foisted on us all is abhorrent. A religion that demands this is a false one and only interested in control. That is the basis of my view, and you should be aware of it. I will not be crude or assault you or your beliefs Per Se, however I will not accept them as anything more than a social control mechanism. This does not mean I reject everything out of hand, so don't just write me off. Or do... that is up to you. I prefer to hold an open mind in most regards and if there is a reasonable argument, then I will acknowledge it.

I try to stay off politics and religion but sometimes it is necessary as part of my argument.

On the whole I hope to produce an insightful, interesting and humorous blog! (I know it does not really sound that way now).
Having said all of that, I really hope to see your comments and your participation.

Thank you and Merry Meet.

Randall aka Randy aka Tsutsumi or just Wolf